With over 3,000 sq ft. of play area your dog is going to discover what it’s like being a dog, having fun doing all the doggy activities, and the bliss of canine companionship.
Now offering Saturday times for your convenience! Available Monday thru Saturday
Drop Off Times: 7am-10am
Pick Up Times: 3pm-6pm
Doggie Day Care – A Fun Getaway for your Dog!
Doggie day care can help take the edge off the most active of dogs, providing not only physical but mental stimulation as well. Imagine your peace of mind coming home to a calmer, quieter dog. For the less confident dogs, daycare enables them to have more confidence when you’re away and helps develop better coping skills for facing the big wide world. All dogs benefit by developing good canine social skills to use throughout their everyday life. Daycare is not meant as a replacement for needed interaction between owner and pet, but instead enhances the time you spend together.
Canine Corner Doggie Daycare is a supervised atmosphere for dogs, with multiple playground areas and lots of playground equipment ,offering your dog the opportunity to interact with others, develop good canine social skills, and the freedom to be a dog.

- Pups less than 16 weeks must have (2) sets of DHLPP and a fecal check free of intestinal parasites (Rabies should be given in accordance with veterinarian recommendation)
- All other age dogs need to be up to date with DHLPP, Rabies, Bordetella, and a fecal check free of intestinal parasites.
- Dogs over 6 months must be spayed/neutered.
- Monthly flea prevention is required for all dogs.
Your dog’s first day is used as an evaluation of temperament, play style, and ability to play well with others. Keep in mind your dog’s first few encounters with a play group may be overwhelming, especially if the concept is new to them. Most dogs become accustomed once they are comfortable and become acquainted with their new friends.
It is the owner’s option to choose which days of the week work best for them and the frequency of attendance.
Feel free to call with any questions you may have: (319) 366-3284. Better yet, stop in with your dog and get acquainted.